January 19, 2025

New Backdrops – Revealed!

My wife loves looking at shoes, as does most women.  “You have to have a shoe to match every occasion, and every outfit”.  Well, here at Flash-Pics, we feel the same about our backdrops.  So, we’ve added four new backdrops to our collection this month.  Take a look, let us know your favorite (and if you have a suggestion for matching shoes – send it on!)  We’ve selected our kids for the guinea pigs, and so they’ll feel somewhat famous.


Standard white - great for weddings, "white parties", and okay to use before Easter.


White Drape Backdrop

Very similar to the "Standard White", but a little more texture-y

Black Paper Backdrop

Okay - so this isn't one of our kids - but she's one of our friends. Standard black paper for the goth butcher in all of us.

Crushed Black Velour Backdrop

A more elegant approach to the black backdrop.


Crushed Red Velour Backdrop

Sigrid & Yngwe exhibiting their mad sword skills in front of our lush red velour (perfect for sword fights, Christmas, and love birds)


Black & White Damask Background

Our little performer, in front of a funky classy-contemporary damask.