January 19, 2025

New Backdrops – Revealed!

My wife loves looking at shoes, as does most women.  “You have to have a shoe to match every occasion, and every outfit”.  Well, here at Flash-Pics, we feel the same about our backdrops.  So, we’ve added four new backdrops to our collection this month.  Take a look, let us know your favorite (and if you have a suggestion for matching shoes – send it on!)  We’ve selected our kids for the guinea pigs, and so they’ll feel somewhat famous.


Standard white - great for weddings, "white parties", and okay to use before Easter.


White Drape Backdrop

Very similar to the "Standard White", but a little more texture-y

Black Paper Backdrop

Okay - so this isn't one of our kids - but she's one of our friends. Standard black paper for the goth butcher in all of us.

Crushed Black Velour Backdrop

A more elegant approach to the black backdrop.


Crushed Red Velour Backdrop

Sigrid & Yngwe exhibiting their mad sword skills in front of our lush red velour (perfect for sword fights, Christmas, and love birds)


Black & White Damask Background

Our little performer, in front of a funky classy-contemporary damask.


2011-11-18 GSWS Festival of Trees :: Southlake Hilton

We had a wonderful time and this annual event hosted by the Greater Southlake Women’s Society!  The Festival of Trees is one of the GSWS annual fundraisers to benefit Southlake area charities, and was held at the beautiful Southlake Hilton Hotel.  The dance floor was hopping to the sounds of  Just in Tyme, with audio / visual support handled by Specialty Sound.

The Flash-Pics Fab Five Photos:

Want more?  Check out all the images here!

2011-10-22 Sarah & Andrew :: Trinity River Audubon Center


We had a wonderful time working at the new Trinity River Audubon Center, along with Dana Carroll of Social By Dana Carroll, Jackie Hickey of Gil’s Elegant Catering, and Ryan Kelly from Beyond.

The Flash-Pics Fab Five (or six) Photos:

Want more?  Check out all the images here!


2011-09-04 Maria & John :: eM the Venue

We had a wonderful time working at the new eM the Venue, and alongside Marian of Simply Personal.  The guests really had a great time, and took alot of great photos!

The Flash-Pics Fab Five (or six) Photos:

Want more?  Check out all the images here!


2011.08.11 Wedding Planner Mixer :: Southlake Hilton

We love Southlake.  It’s got everything – shopping, a movie theater, shopping, Starbucks, shopping, Jamba Juice, shopping, our offices, shopping, and the fabulous Southlake Hilton.  (Nestled conveniently amongst…you guessed it… a plethora of shops!)  And, at the Southlake Hilton, we love Georgette!  The Southlake Hilton was the site of our very first Flash-Pics wedding reception.

So, we were so excited when Georgette called and invited us “back to our roots” to participate in a mixer for some of the area’s best wedding planners.  You know- those ladies (and gents) who have to behave so elegantly when on the job, but certainly know how to cut loose off the clock.  Enjoy!

The Flash-Pics Fab Five Photos:


It’s best to have the Photo Lounge in a space where the lighting is a bit less dramatic!

2011.06.26 JWI June Social Gala :: Hotel Adolphus

We’ve had the honor of being part of June Weddings, Inc. (JWI) for the past six years or so.  Each year, JWI hosts an industry gala that’s truly the talk of Dallas / Fort Worth for months to come.  The gala is designed to spotlight many of the best vendors in the area, while benefiting a great local charity.  This year’s gala was held at the beautiful Adolphus Hotel in Dallas.  Entertainment was provided by Motion – a fantastic band represented by Absolute EntertainmentBella Flora, Posh Couture, and AFR Furnishings contributed to the decor, and Switch Lighting Group helped to set the ambiance.  We are so thankful for JWI, and it was a privilege (and loads of fun) to help with this year’s event, benefiting the North Texas Food Bank.


The Flash-Pics Fab Five Photos:

Want more?  Check out all the images here!

2011.05.07 Chelsea & Henry :: City Club of Fort Worth

Chelsea & Henry wanted to throw a reception different from any other–they succeeded! They hired Tommy Evans of Specialty Sound to be their Master of Ceremonies for their wedding reception. Many of their guests were coming in from El Salvador and they wanted to give them a night filled with plenty of laughter as well as memories to last a lifetime. So after the traditional dances, the evening was filled with games and taking photos! We were busy all night and even after Chelsea & Henry headed out for their honeymoon we had people who were still lining up for more fun photos!

The Flash-Pics Fab Five Photos:

Like what you see? There’s more!


2011.04.16 Jim & Pam :: Southlake Hilton

We found Jim and Pam through conversation with Georgette Pool of the Southlake Hilton, and they decided to give Flash-Pics a try.  We had such a great time with the newlyweds, their guests, and the staff of the Hilton.  One of the guests pretty much parked in the foyer with us, and spent the evening being our “Photo Diva”, and getting pictures with many of the other guests.  Congratulations, Jim & Pam!

The Flash-Pics Fab Five Photos: